Free Software
Did you you know that my novels are written using free software? Not only is the writing program free, so is the operating system that I use. Both pieces of …
Did you you know that my novels are written using free software? Not only is the writing program free, so is the operating system that I use. Both pieces of …
I’m proceeding with writing the third Joshua Jones Mystery novel – Return False. This one will deal with the history of several of the main characters and the cyber elements …
Mystery novels are often made into a series of books that follow the same protagonist. Lots of examples abound like Sue Grafton’s Alphabet series that started with A is for …
I’m currently shopping Kill Dash Nine to agents. If for some reason that book is completely rejected, I’ll go forward with doing it myself. In the meantime, I’m already working …
Even though the latest Joshua Jones book is now complete, I’ve already started researching and plotting the next book in the series. As a writer, this is often one of …